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Master in Data Science in New Zealand for Indian Students


A great choice is to study data science. It involves data analysis and the creation of numerous insights for a certain person, business, or organization. Most students have their sights set on a specialized postgraduate degree after earning their bachelor's degree. This is because earning a master's degree elevates their employability and places them in a different and more desired league. The master of data science in New Zealand is a fantastic alternative if you want to study data science abroad because of the low tuition costs, excellent return on investment, and top-tier colleges that award degrees that are recognized worldwide.

Why Study for a Master of Data Science In New Zealand?

Students in New Zealand and other countries may have more work options after earning an MS in data science because New Zealand degrees are recognized internationally. Moreover, the following factors make studying data science in New Zealand an advantageous choice:

  • The best schools in New Zealand that offer master's degrees in data science are among the top 350 schools worldwide.
  • The income of a Data Analyst in New Zealand rises by 39% when moving from a bachelor's to a master's degree in data science.
  • The New Zealand Qualification Authority (NZQF) recognized the qualification in New Zealand, which ensures the maintenance of a high standard of education.

Master Of Data Science In New Zealand: Course Highlights

The full-time master's in data science program in New Zealand lasts between 1.5 and 2 years. This degree's average course cost ranges from 19.3 lakh to 42 lakh Indian rupees. You can get a master's degree in data science, a master's degree in business analytics, or a master's degree in professional analytics.

Applying to universities in New Zealand that offer master's degrees in data science often requires a bachelor's degree in a science discipline, such as mathematics, physics, or computer science. In New Zealand, a person with an MS in Data Science earns an entry-level income of 26 lakh Indian rupees annually. Graduates with a master's degree in data science may be qualified for positions as data scientists, data analysts, statisticians, etc.

Universities Offering Master of Data Science In New Zealand

Numerous individuals who want to study abroad are interested in New Zealand's data science courses. For those interested in pursuing a master's degree in data science in New Zealand, the leading universities, as well as their costs and course offerings, are listed below:

Universities name

QS ranking 2022

Course offered

Tuition fees (in NZD)

University Of Auckland


1. Master’s degree in professional studies in data science

2. Master of data science


University Of Otago

201 – 250

Master of business data science


University Of Canterbury

301 – 350

Master of applied data science




Master of Analytics


Massey University


Master of Analytics


Eligibility for Master of Data Science In New Zealand

It has several unique needs for data science. However, depending on the university and course structure you choose, these eligibility standards and prerequisites change. They are:

  • A bachelor's degree in data science or a related discipline (such as computer science, statistics, economics, or math), with a minimum GPA of B.
  • Undergraduate degree with a minimum GPA of 4.5
  • To demonstrate English competence, you must have an IELTS score of 6.5 with no band lower than 6.0.

The admission process to study Master Of Data Science In New Zealand

Except for a few universities that provide multiple intakes in September and November, students can apply to New Zealand universities in January and July. The admissions process for international students should ideally begin about six months before the application deadline. Students in New Zealand have two options for applying to data science courses:

  • Use an online application from the website of the university of your choice.
  • By enlisting the aid of a knowledgeable counsellor to assist you as you complete the application.

Want to know about the Application Process? Click Here

Documents Required Master of Data Science In New Zealand

You must submit the following documents:

  • Authentic passport.
  • Recommendation letter.
  • Statement of purpose.
  • Form for a student visa that has been completed.
  • Receipt of the application fee payment.
  • New Zealand Qualifications Authority-approved institution's letter of offer.
  • Medical insurance statement.
  • Two passport-size images.
  • Transcripts from school.
  • Test results for English proficiency.

Study Master of Data Science In New Zealand with Scholarships

At all academic levels, New Zealand provides scholarships to international students. These scholarships don't tend to be university-specific. Several scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students are funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. These grants often pay for all necessary expenses, including education, basic living expenses, round-trip economy plane tickets, an establishment allowance upon arrival in New Zealand, and health insurance.

A master's degree in Data Science student in New Zealand may apply for the scholarships listed below, which include the following:

University name

Tuition fees in INR

University of Auckland

4.9 lakhs

University of Otago

4.9 lakhs

University of Canterbury

14,700 thousand

Cost of Studying Master of Business Management In New Zealand

Pre-departure expenses, tuition costs, and cost of living are the three components that make up the cost of studying abroad.

  • Pre-departure costs include travel, visa fees, and the costs of the many exams you must take before coming to New Zealand to study.
  • The average annual tuition at colleges in New Zealand that provide master's degrees in data science range from 19.3 lakhs to 27.15 lakhs of Indian rupees.
  • Since the cost of travel and lodging in New Zealand is 126 per cent higher than in India, international students require a thorough financial strategy to control their spending.


Name of scholarship


University of Auckland

International Students Excellence Scholarship


University of Otago

Coursework Masters Scholarship


University of Otago

Otago International Excellence Scholarship


University of Canterbury

Alison MacGibbon Fund


Cost of Studying in New Zealand Cost of Living in New Zealand

Jobs & After Master of Data Science in New Zealand

These days, there is a huge demand for people having master's degrees in data science. Many businesses require this since data science involves analyzing vast amounts of data to conclude.

The following job profiles are available for data analytics course graduates in New Zealand:

Job role


Salary ( in NZD) 


National Governments, Research Institutes, Consulting Companies


Data Analyst

Telecommunication, Finance, Manufacture, Construction or Utility Companies


Business Intelligence Analyst

Technical, Finance, Reporting Companies


Data Scientist

Finance, Software Companies, Government Agencies


Information Security Analyst

Software, Technical, Entertainment, Retail, Trade 


New Zealand Student Visa process

You will require a student visa if you plan to go and study Master of Data Science in New Zealand. Almost 20 to 25 days are needed to complete the process here for the visa.

You must submit the following documents:

  • A valid passport must be valid for a minimum of three months after your planned stay in New Zealand.
  • Form for a student visa that has been completed.
  • Receipt of the application fee payment.
  • New Zealand Qualifications Authority-approved institution's letter of offer.
  • Medical insurance statement.
  • Character certification.
  • Two passport-size images.
  • Transcripts, degrees, diplomas, or certificates from the institutions you attended.
  • Knowledge of English score on a test.
  • Proof of money.

During the visa interview, further documents might be required. These could be requested as proof of your financial and academic standing.

Well, that was extensive coverage but we have got more information for you at AECC . AECC is the right place for you to expedite your education endeavours with assistance in all aspects from finding accredited courses, to an ideal destination and a leading institution. The expert counsellors provide guidance and will bring your dreams to life.

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